Submit documentation for all income your household receives.
If you have income from...
EMPLOYMENT (Submit one of these options)
- Paystubs from your previous 3 full months
- Employer letter (only when starting a new job) --must be on letterhead, include the start date, hours worked, wage and dated from the last 90 days
- Self-employed—request the self employment form from DEEL
Paid weekly?
Submit 12 paystubs
Paid every two weeks?
Submit 5-7 paystubs
Paid bi-monthly?
Submit 6 paystubs
Paid monthly?
Submit 3 paystub
STUDENT (Submit any applicable)
- Financial aid - Award letter tuition statement
- Work study- Award letter or supervisor letter including hours/wage
- TANF or other cash benefits – current award letter
- Rental income- Schedule E tax document from most recent tax year
- Other income–three months of statements
If you have...
CHILD SUPPORT (Submit either of these options)
- Received or Paid: Court documentation with amount
- Received or Paid: Child Support Statement (request from DEEL)